Where you are unable to keep up your payments on your loan we will consider your application if you are suffering hardship. If you are struck down with illness, injury, loss of employment, or another reasonable hardship causes that may prevent you from paying your loan on time you can apply for a Hardship Variation:
1. Submit an application to the team in writing;
a. Explain your reasons for requiring the Hardship Variation to your loan
2. Request one of the following:
a. Postpone a certain number of payments required
b. Extend your loan principle agreement i.e. we would reduce the total amount due on each payment date and then increase the number of payments you need to make
c. Apply both to your loan principle
3. Give us the application or call us on 0800 000 724 to discuss your situation. We need a copy of your email or letter in writing which can be sent via email.
At Pioneer Finance, we are approachable when you are faced with these types of situations. Please contact us immediately so we can consider your situation.
If you agree with the revised terms we have set we may require you to enter into a new loan agreement, including paying a “Refinance Fee” – please see our Interest Rates & Fees tab for this cost.